6 Tips To A Successful Live Music Stream For Musicians

Music Stream

Home concerts for every famous musician have been the only solution in 2020. It continues to be the source to live music shows in 2021. However, it is not an eased-out affair to Livestream musical shows. There are always some uncertainties involved when live-streaming gigs. There can be several problems that might arise unexpectedly. What if the mic does not turn up or the musicians' gigs tend to fail?

Live Streaming has been quite a thing since 2020, and the hype has grown ever since. It is an essential tool for musicians as it helps them keep their art going even during tough times like the pandemic. Listed below are some ideas that would help you keep your live stream gig top-notch. Let us take a quick look.

Know the purpose

Before live-streaming, make sure to know your purpose. It might be performances by live music bands or an album launch or a question-answer session with your viewers. Live-streaming without knowing the purpose can hamper your show. You can also update your audiences beforehand and let them prepare for what is coming.

  1. Do not let the numbers bother you

    You should not pay heat to the number of viewers watching your live stream. There might be times when you do not get the number of viewers you expected. There can be hundreds of reasons as to why people do not turn in. One of the reasons can also be the algorithm not favoring you. You do not need to criticize yourself. It is one of the reasons why musicians fail in the music industry. However, to avoid weak viewers count, you can promote your live stream in advance. You can also get your family and friends to tune in for moral support. Also, do not forget that even the most successful musicians did not start with thousands of viewers. Make the live music show a memorable experience for people attending the show.

  2. Be confident

    To have an adrenaline rush before a live stream is quite common. There can be technical glitches or internet issues. Remember, when you let fear get in your way, you lose it before you even realize it. To be confident and deal with any fallout is an ideal solution in case of a live stream. Even the audiences, by now, are aware of common problems like technical and internet issues. Also, the good news is, you get better with each stream.

  3. You do not require a fancy set up for a successful stream

    Remember, you do not need to be all fancy for running a successful stream. What is of importance is your talent. All that you require is a smartphone and interesting content for the stream. Just make sure to have your device set up someplace stable, such that you do not keep moving holding it. When you keep moving with your phone, your audience might get motion sickness. If you wish to go professional, you can buy a decent mic set up and get going. Also, there are some software and music streaming apps that would help you stream better.

  4. Have a cool backdrop

    A little effort to make the backdrop worth a while can impress your audiences. You can opt for a cool space using fairy lights or even a setup that looks like a traditional studio. You can organize your home space that best suits your art, and your audiences would surely relate to it. Also, make sure not to overdo any of it such that your audiences get distracted.

  5. Do not go live with a whim

    You might be having ample followers or a good social media presence. But, to go live with no advance notice or planning is not a good idea. To randomly go live without any advance notice or promotion strategy can be a spoiler for your show. To inform your viewers before your live stream can enhance your engagement and allow the algorithm to shoot up. Therefore, always plan and promote your live stream much in advance.

  6. Collaborate with someone else every once in a while

    When you collaborate with others in the industry, you tend to attract more viewers. The practice of having other artists on your live stream helps you boost your algorithm and gain more followers. This kind of collaboration can either be a performance or a chat stream. Chat shows work better when it comes to collaborations with other artists. You can also collaborate with other industries. The virtual magic show is a good combination with a music stream. The more followers and influence your guest has, the more chances are for you to boost your profile.


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