3 Tips To Save The Show When Magic Trick Goes Wrong

Los Angeles Magician Riccardo Berdini Magic Show.jpg

A magic show always has risks involved. A magic performance or any of the magician tricks can go down south at any time. A good magician needs to be prepared to deal with things getting out of hand and tricks going wrong. Today, many magic shows are online and virtual magicians must prepare themselves for any magic trick going wrong. There are some tricky ways to deal with scenarios when magic tricks go wrong during magic shows. 

How to deal with the 'magic trick gone wrong' situation?

Do not panic in such a situation. Magic tricks running wrong are a frequent experience. Even if you are pretty well practiced and sure of your magic tricks, they can go wrong. The answer to this problem is being prepared very much in advance. When a magic show is live and not a pre-recorded one, all you have for your rescue are interactions and communication. Your audience gets convinced with your approach. The masses come to your live or online magic show for entertainment, and entertainment is all they seek. Even if a trick goes wrong, you can continue to entertain them. To entertain your public, you can perform various attention-seeking acts. Noted following are some methods of dealing with wrong-gone tricks. Let us waste no time and check them out.

1. Always have a way out.

As a magician, you are the person who runs the show. It is you who decides how the show starts and ends. You always get the benefit of keeping a step ahead. There is no reason for your magic tricks to begin and end in a specific way or follow a particular pattern. As a magician, you also have to deal with hecklers. They only require to follow a pattern if so is stated by the sponsors or spectators. But the ideal scenario is when you get to decide the pattern of your magic tricks. 

For instance:

If you are performing a card trick and the chosen card gets lost. The original plan might have been of spotting the card within a few seconds with a flourish. But, being the decision-maker, you can decide not to spot the card just then. You can go ahead, be spontaneous, and change the ending. Ask the public which card was it and eventually help them find it. 

2. Do not spot the error in case of a failed magic trick.

If you fail a magic trick, there are chances your audiences might notice. But, if you panic over the fall, they would surely notice it. What is best in such a scenario is not to panic and move ahead with the next trick. You can also begin with some strolling magic tricks and grab the attention of the audience. Once you perform your next trick and amaze the audience, the previous fall would hardly bother them. 

3. Make sure to decrease the chances of failure.

A Live Magic show trick is a kind of performance art that entertains an audience by creating illusions of magical If you take precautions from the start, you can very much avoid the mistake going forward. The same logic applies to magic shows. What makes you better is practice. Practice reduces your chances of making errors. Sufficient practice makes your magic tricks look flawless and builds confidence. Also, when you practice several times, you might fail a few times and get ideas of how to deal with it.


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